Each participant has to make his registration online. After the online registration for participation, you can choose the payment method - PayPal or Bank Wire.
Participant without a completed registration form won't be allowed to the race. Note. A registration without paid tax won't be valid.
Credit card payments, are not recoverable.
Your personal data provided upon registration and payment will not be provided to third parties.
The statement below is constituent part of your registration:
Hereby, I agree , that I am physically and psychically prepared for this race, that I will participate at my personal responsibility.
Hereby, I confirm that I am familiar that the rights for promotional use of my name, voice, photography or video material belong to the organizer, including all types of advertising on radio,TV and Internet, as well as other advertising needs of the organizer. The ambulance men are authorized to take me off the contest, when noticing threatening indication of a damage to my health. I assure, that my information is correct.